January 2023
Hello from frozen Minnesota! :)
I’ve been away from the creative world for… oh, man… too many years. Blame my kiddos, blame the pandemic, blame the day job, blame my crumbling sanity… Whatever the case may be, it’s a new year and I’m determined to shake off this artistic dry spell.
At the moment, I’m not taking any new art commissions, but if and when that changes, this is where you’ll find updates and info.
Also: I have a few ancient commissions from years back where I contacted the folks (either to get their mailing address or to refund their order because I wasn’t able to finish it) and never heard back. If you’re one of these people, email me — grantgoboom@gmail.com
Life happens. Kids happen. Dry spells happen. Hopefully no one hates me too much for falling off the art wagon. Fingers crossed that 2023 will be the year that I hop back on.
- Grant